Saturday 23 November 2013

78 weeks

Nothing really to update on since my last post.  I haven't made it to the gym again and didn't go and get weighed this week.  Not been a good week all round but I am back on track.  Trying really hard for a good weight loss this week as I now have only four weeks left of my sponsored slim and I want to try and raise as much as I can.  As I've got a few people who have sponsored me per pound lost every pound counts now!

Going to the gym tomorrow no matter what and then going to try and go at least twice more during the week.

Sunday 17 November 2013

78 weeks 6 days

I've been to the gym today.  Now this may seem trivial to some of you but today I walked non-stop for 21 minutes and walked just over 1 mile.  When I think back a few years I could barely walk round the corner to my sister's house (she literally lived a 5 minute walk away - and that would be walking slowly) without being in agony and having to stop 2 or 3 times.  I know I've already come so far but I've still got a long way to go.  Just to prove it to myself and also so I can track my progress I took a photo of the display on the treadmill when I finished.  That's 1.01 miles walked in 21.36 minutes burning 109 calories.

If you're reading this I'd love it if you would leave a comment and if I stop posting please hassle me - I need some accountability to keep this going.


Saturday 16 November 2013

79 weeks to go

In 79 weeks I will be 40 years old.  By the time I am 40 I want to be unrecognisable from how I am today.  I am currently over weight and extremely unfit but I am making steps to change this.

I have been going to Slimming World for approximately 10 weeks now and have lost 8.5lb.  This is more than I have ever lost on any diet I have ever done before.

I have also joined a gym and have started using a couch to 5K app.  At the moment I can only manage about 20 minutes fast walking on the treadmill but I intend to increase this each time I go.

By the time I am 40 I want to achieve the following goals:-
  1. Lose at least 4 stone - current loss 8.5lb
  2. Run a 5K for charity
I may set more goals as the weeks go by but at the moment this is my main focus.

I will post every Saturday with my progress for the week.

Thanks for reading
